After obtaining his medical degree at the University of Innsbruck, he became involved in family planning, both in Austria and internationally. Further professional focuses include the care of women with an unwanted pregnancy and reducing maternal mortality.
- 1985 Publication of a brochure on contraception
- 1999 Introduction of medical abortion in Austria (Korneuburg Hospital, www.abtreibung.at)
- 2001 Initiative to introduce anonymous birth (www.anonyme-geburt.at)
- Since 2003 Medical Director of the Gynmed Clinic in Vienna and
- Since 2005 Medical Director of Gynmed in the University Hospital in Salzburg (www.gynmed.at)
- 2005 Dissertation (Dr. phil.) at Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm.https://openarchive.ki.se/xmlui/handle/10616/43458. Part of a Karolinska University research group to improve contraception and abortion: http://ki.se/en/kbh/reproductive-health-reproductive-medicine-research.
- Since 2007: Founder and director of the Museum of Contraception and Abortion, Vienna, www.muvs.org
- Author and co-author of numerous national and international publications about contraception and abortion (www.gynmed.at)
- Since 1999 Numerous lectures at national and international events and meetings on the topics of contraception, emergency contraception (“morning after pill”), and abortion
Other Engagements:
- Board Member and former Chair of the International Federation of Professional Abortion and Contraception Associates, FIAPAC (www.fiapac.org); Organizer of international FIAPAC conferences
- Member of ÖGF – Austrian Society for Family Planning, (www.oegf.at)
- Board Member of the European Society of Contraception (ESC, www.contraception-esc.com)
- Initiative to reduce maternal mortality (www.misoprostol.org)