The Gynmed Team is highly engaged in further improving the laws and regulations on contraception and abortion as well as the care and medical treatment of women. To this goal we publish new insights and findings. Following please find a list of articles from medical journals written or co-authored by members of the team. The publications are in English and German.
Abortion: legislation and statistics in Europe
The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, Christian Fiala, Aubert Agostini, Teresa Bombas, Roberto Lertxundi, Marek Lubusky, Mirella Parachini & Kristina Gemzell-Danielsson, April 14 2022
Experiences of Women Accessing an Abortion Clinic Confronted by Religiously Motivated Demonstrators: A Pilot Study
PubMed, Christian Fiala, Johanna Özogul, Jennifer Kernreiter, April 21 2020
Management of Very Early Medical abortion - An International Survey Among Providers
PubMed, Christian Fiala, Teresa Bombas, Mirella Parachini, Aubert Agostini, Roberto Lertxundi, Marek Lubusky, Laurence Saya, Kristina Gemzell Danielsson, February 01 2020
Management of Pain Associated With up-to-9-weeks Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MToP) Using Mifepristone-Misoprostol Regimens: Expert Consensus Based on a Systematic Literature Review
PubMed, C Fiala, A Agostini, T Bombas, S Cameron, R Lertxundi, M Lubusky, M Parachini, L Saya, B Trumbic, K Gemzell Danielsson, September 03 2019
Outcome of first trimester medical termination of pregnancy: definitions and management
Christian Fiala, Sharon Cameron, Teresa Bombas, Mirella Parachini, Aubert Agostini, Roberto Lertxundi, Marek Lubusky, Laurence Saya & Kristina Gemzell Danielsson, January 02 2019
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hCG Testing to Determine Outcome after Medical Abortion: A Review
J Preg Child Health , Christian Fiala, Teresa Bombas, Mirella Parachini, Aubert Agostini, Roberto Lertxundi, Marek Lubusky and Kristina Gemzell Danielsson, 2019
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Early Medical Abortion - A Practical Guide For Healthcare Professionals
Editions de Santé, Dr Christian FIALA, Pr Aubert AGOSTINI, Dr Teresa-Alexandra CARMO-BOMBAS, Pr Kristina GEMZELL-DANIELSSON, Dr Roberto LERTXUNDI, Pr Marek LUBUSKY, Dr Mirella PARACHINI, 2018
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Pain management for up to 9 weeks medical abortion - An international survey among abortion providers.
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. , Fiala C, Cameron S, Bombas T, Parachini M, Agostini A, Lertxundi R, Gemzell-Danielsson K., 2018
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Efficacy and safety of very early medical termination of pregnancy: a cohort study.
PubMed, Bizjak I, Fiala C, Berggren L, Hognert H, Sääv I, Bring J, Gemzell-Danielsson K, September 27 2017
There is no defense for ‘Conscientious objection’ in reproductive health care
Christian Fiala, Joyce H. Arthur, July 2017
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Assessment of pain during medical abortion with home use of misoprostol.
PubMed, Cavet S, Fiala C, Scemama A, Partouche H, June 22 2017
The dishonourable disobedience of not providing abortion.
PubMed, Arthur J, Fiala C, Gemzell Danielsson K, Heikinheimo O, Guðmundsson JA, February 22 2017
Routine misoprostol before all surgical abortions.
PubMed, Cameron S, Fiala C, Gemzell-Danielsson K, November 2016
Yes we can! Successful examples of disallowing 'conscientious objection' in reproductive health care.
Fiala C, Gemzell Danielsson K, Heikinheimo O, Guðmundsson JA, Arthur J., February 03 2016
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Medical Abortion beyond the 1st trimester
Editions de Santé, Kristina GEMZELL-DANIELSSON, Christian FIALA, Aubert AGOSTINI, Sharon CAMERON, Teresa BOMBAS, Roberto LERTXUNDI, Marek LUBUSKY, Mirella PARACHINI, 2016
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Clinical follow-up compared with self-assessment of outcome after medical abortion: a multicentre, non-inferiority, randomised, controlled trial.
PubMed, Oppegaard KS, Qvigstad E, Fiala C, Heikinheimo O, Benson L, Gemzell-Danielsson K, February 21 2015
Sublingual versus vaginal misoprostol for cervical dilatation 1 or 3 h prior to surgical abortion: a double-blinded RCT
Human Reproduction, Ingrid Saav; Helena Kopp Kallner; Christian Fiala; Kristina Gemzell-Danielsson, 2015
Instability of misoprostol tablets stored outside the blister: a potential serious concern for clinical outcome in medical abortion.
PubMed, Berard V, Fiala C, Cameron S, Bombas T, Parachini M, Gemzell-Danielsson K, December 15 2014
Pain during medical abortion, the impact of the regimen: a neglected issue? A review.
PubMed, Fiala C, Cameron S, Bombas T, Parachini M, Saya L, Gemzell-Danielsson K., December 2014
Why We Need to Ban ‘Conscientious Objection’ in Reproductive Health Care
Joyce Arthur, Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada and Christian Fiala, Gynmed Clinic for Abortion and Family Planning, May 14 2014
“Dishonourable disobedience” – Why refusal to treat in reproductive healthcare is not conscientious objection
Christian Fiala, Joyce H. Arthur, March 2014
Conscientious objection and induced abortion in Europe.
Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care, Heino A, Gissler M, Apter D, Fiala C., August 2013
Is the introduction of anonymous delivery associated with a reduction of high neonaticide rates in Austria?
BJOG, Klier CM, Grylli C, Amon S, Fiala C, Weizmann-Henelius G, Pruitt SL, Putkonen H., December 05 2012
Assessment of significant factors affecting acceptability of home administration of misoprostol for medical abortion
Contraception, Kopp Kallner H, Fiala C, Gemzell-Danielsson K., 85(4):394-7., April 2012
Effect of bacterial vaginosis on the pharmacokinetics of misoprostol in early pregnancy.
Hum Reprod., Sioutas A, Sandström A, Fiala C, Watzer B, Schweer H, Gemzell-Danielsson K., February 2012
Medical abortion in lactating women - low levels of mifepristone in breast milk
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand., Sääv I, Fiala C,Hämäläinen JM, Heikinheimo O, Gemzell-Danielsson K., 89(5):618-22, May 2010
Home self administration of vaginal misoprostol for medical abortion at 50-63 days compared with gestation of below 50 days
Hum Reprod., Kopp Kallner H, Fiala C, Stephansson O, Gemzell-Danielsson K., 25(5):1153-7, May 2010
Providing Medical Abortion in Low-Resource Settings
Gynuity, 2009
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Evaluation of Early Medical Abortion (EMA) Pilot Sites
University of Southampton and Department of Health, London , Roger Ingham and Ellie Lee et al., May 07 2008
Cervical priming with misoprostol prior to transcervical procedures
Int J Gynaecol Obstet., Fiala C, Gemzell-Danielsson K., Tang OS, von Hertzen H, 99 Suppl 2:S168-71, December 2007
Misoprostol for the termination of pregnancy up to 12 completed weeks of pregnancy
Int J Gynaecol Obstet., Faundes A, Fiala C, Tang OS, Velasco A., 99 Suppl 2:S172-7, December 2007
Misoprostol for intrauterine fetal death
Int J Gynaecol Obstet., Gómez Ponce de León R, Wing D, Fiala C, 99 Suppl 2:S190-3, December 2007
Misoprostol: first-line therapy for incomplete miscarriage in the developing world
BJOG, Gemzell-Danielsson K, Fiala C, Weeks A., 114(11):1337-9, November 2007
Pharmacokinetic profiles up to 12 h after administration of vaginal, sublingual and slow-release oral misoprostol
Hum Reprod., Aronsson A, Fiala C, Stephansson O, Granath F, Watzer B, Schweer H, Gemzell-Danielsson K., 22(7):1912-8, July 2007
Restricting access to safe abortion poses a serious health risk for women
ESC newsletter, ESC, European Society of Contraception: Expert Group on abortion - C. Fiala, Austria and C. Gemzell, Sweden, June 2007
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Review of medical abortion using mifepristone in combination with a prostaglandin analogue
Contraception, Fiala C, Gemzel-Danielsson K., 74(1):66-86, July 2006
Frequently asked clinical questions about medical abortion
WHO, 2006
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Pharmacokinetics of a novel oral slow-release form of misoprostol
Hum Reproduction, Fiala C, Aronsson A, Granath F, Stephansson O, Seyberth HW, Watzer B, Gemzell-Danielsson K., 20(12):3414-8, December 2005
The effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) on medical abortion with mifepristone and misoprostol at 13 to 22 weeks gestation
Human Reproduction, C. Fiala, ML. Swahn, O. Stephansson, and K. Gemzell-Danielsson, 20(11):3072-7, November 2005
Effects of slow release misoprostol on uterine contractility in early pregnancy
Human Reproduction, C. Fiala, A. Aronsson, O. Stephansson and K. Gemzell-Danielsson, 20(9):2648-52., September 2005
Abortion in Europe: Are the Laws and Practices patient centered?
Entre Nous magazine, UNFPA/ WHO No. 59, Christian Fiala, 23/5, 2005
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Acceptability of home-use of misoprostol in medical abortion
Contraception, Fiala C, Winikoff B, Helstrom L, Hellborg M, Gemzell-Danielsson K., 70(5):387-92., November 2004
Rh-prophylaxis in early abortion
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand., Fiala C, Fux M, Gemzell Danielsson K., 82(10):892-903. Review, October 2003
Verifying the effectiveness of medical abortion; ultrasound versus hCG testing
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biology, Fiala C, Safar P, Bygdeman M, Gemzell-Danielsson K., 109(2):190-5., August 15 2003
Medical abortion - where we are in Europe
Entre Nous magazine, UNFPA/ WHO No 47-48, Christian Fiala, 16-17, September 2000