In some situations women know very quickly how to decide. In others the decision is very difficult, may need time and discussion with trusted people. Counselling with a professional information center can be helpful and show what consequences a decision either way may entail.
If help is needed in making an individual decision we will be glad to be of assistance with our experience if counselling, treatment or support is needed. In so doing we combine modern medicine with human care.
Your physical and mental well being is our common interest.
We offer in the field of abortion:
Counselling in the case of an unwanted pregnancy
Counselling about and performing of abortion using the following methods:
- Medical with Mifegyne® (formerly known as RU 486)
- Surgically (aspiration) under local anesthesia
- Surgically (aspiration) under general anesthesia
Counselling after an abortion
For counselling and treatments we kindly ask you to make an appointment by telephone:
Monday to Friday 9 am-2 pm
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9 am-3 pm
Gynmed Clinic Vienna (from inside Austria): 0699 178 178 00
Gynmed Clinic Vienna (from outside Austria): +43 699 178 178 00