How does the medical abortion work?
Taking Mifepristone and a prostaglandin is a very safe and effective method which leads to a successful abortion in 98% of cases. Taking the prostaglandin may cause menstrual disorders like cramping in the lower abdomen; taking paintreatment might therefore be necessary.
In Austria and most other European countries this method is approved up to the 9th week of pregenancy
(weeks are counted from the first day of the last menstrual bleeding).
- as part of a voluntary abortion until the 9th week (Projected from the 1st day of the last period.)
- for the late abortion in a hospital due to a medical necessity
- the opening of the cervix prior to surgical abortion.
The medical abortion with Mifegyne® takes a couple of days. It allows you to keep control over your body and to experience the treatment. Therefore you may be able to review misconceptions about the process.
Comparison of surgical and medical abortion
Charges of an abortion:
In Austria, the cost of abortion are not covered by the medical insurance and the women have to pay themselves..
(In all other Western European countries, abortion is paid, at least for young people and vulnerable women. Exceptions are Ireland, Liechtenstein, Malta and Monaco, where abortion is prohibited.)
For an abortion we charge no extra cost, regardless of which method is used:
Up to the 10th week of pregnancy € 560,-
From 10th to 14th week of pregnany € 600,-
(ATM at the Gynmed Clinic Vienna)
These costs include the following services:
- Consultation on unplanned pregnancy
- Consultation on the method to find the most suitable for you
- Medication during medical abortion or the surgery incl. anesthesia (general anesthesia or local anesthesia)
- the surgery incl. anesthesia (general anesthesia or local anesthesia)
- Determination of blood group and the rhesus injection, if needed,
- Aftercare