Before an abortion

It is important to know for sure that you are actually pregnant. Pregnancy tests are available at your local pharmacy and are very reliable. A doctor can also make the diagnosis.

The diagnosis of a pregnancy usually leads to many different thoughts and feelings.

It is important that you receive all the information you need to make your own decision.
You can come to our clinic for a pregnancy test if you have not yet done one. You can also come for counselling if you have not yet been able to make a decision. (Please make an appointment by telephone.)

Prior visit to a doctor

It can be helpful to see your doctor or gynaecologist before coming for an abortion. However, this is neither necessary from a medical point of view, nor is it a legal requirement in Austria.

Psychological aspects

In most cases, women know very quickly and clearly what to do in case of an unwanted pregnancy. Sometimes it is not easy at all and a woman needs time to think and to talk with people she can trust.

The decision can also be difficult if there is no support from the partner or if there is outside pressure.

Sometimes counselling by a professional counsellor free from any interference or pressure can be helpful. We are available to help you come to your own decision, in a non-biased, non-judgmental atmosphere.

Accompanying person

You are most welcome to bring your partner or a good friend with you. It is up to you to decide whether to bring someone or come alone.

Blood group

Pregnancies above 10 weeks: If you have a document indicating your blood type, please bring it with you. Otherwise, we will determine your blood type at no additional cost. If your blood type is Rhesus negative you will get an injection, a so-called 'Rhesus-immunisation'. This is to prevent possible problems in future pregnancies.

Pregnancies below 10 weeks: This injection is not necessary.


You should inform us if you take any medications regularly.
If you take any medications, please take them the morning of the abortion.

If you choose general anaesthesia.

You should not eat, drink, smoke, chew gum, or suck candy during the 6 hours prior to the general anaesthesia. Otherwise, there is a risk of vomiting during the general anaesthesia, and the contents of your stomach may enter your lung and cause severe pneumonia.

If you choose local anaesthesia

There is no risk of pneumonia. It is therefore important for your blood circulation that you eat and drink normally before the abortion.

If you choose medical abortion

You should eat and drink normally during the entire treatment.


Before a general anaesthesia, you should remove any piercings from the mouth or lips. You can leave all other piercings.

What to bring with you:

For a surgical abortion under general anaesthesia, you should bring a long T-shirt and socks. Also thin sanitary pads can be useful.