Altri Temi

The Gynmed Team is highly engaged in further improving the laws and regulations on contraception and abortion as well as the care and medical treatment of women. To this goal we publish new insights and findings. Following please find a list of articles from medical journals written or co-authored by members of the team. The publications are in English and German.


  • Anonymous birth law saves babies-optimization, sustainability and public awareness.

    pubmed, Grylli, Brockington, Fiala, Huscsava, Waldhoer, Klier, 19. April 2016

  • Anonymous birth law saves babies-optimization, sustainability and public awareness.

    Arch Womens Ment Health., Grylli C1, Brockington I, Fiala C, Huscsava M, Waldhoer T, Klier CM., 13. August 2015

    Pdf , 265.47 KB Link
  • Is the introduction of anonymous delivery associated with a reduction of high neonaticide rates in Austria? A retrospective study.

    BJOG, Klier CM, Grylli C, Amon S, Fiala C, Weizmann-Henelius G, Pruitt SL, Putkonen H., 120(4):428-34., March 2013

  • Misoprostol and the debate over off-label drug use

    British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Weeks AD, Fiala C, Safar P, 112(3):269-72., March 2005
