Публикации за английски език

Екипът на Gynmed е силно ангажиран с допълнителното подобряване на законите и регулациите относно контрацепцията и аборта, както и на грижите и медицинското лечение на жените. За тази цел публикуваме нови открития. Следва списък със статии от медицински списания, в които са участвали от членове на екипа. Публикациите са на английски и немски език.


  • Women's preferences for menstrual bleeding frequency in 12 European countries: the Inconvenience Due to Women's Monthly Bleeding (ISY) survey.

    PubMed, Fiala C, Chabbert-Buffet N, Häusler G, Jamin C, Lete I, Lobo P, Nappi RE, Pintiaux A, 26. June 2017

  • Missed pills: frequency, reasons, consequences and solutions.

    PubMed, Chabbert-Buffet N, Jamin C, Lete I, Lobo P, Nappi RE, Pintiaux A, Häusler G, Fiala C, 165-169, 22. June 2017

  • Women's preferences for menstrual bleeding frequency: results of the Inconvenience Due to Women's Monthly Bleeding (ISY) survey.

    Nappi R, Fiala C, Chabbert-Buffet N, Häusler G, Jamin C, Lete I, Lukasiewic M, Pintiaux A, Lobo P., 24. March 2016

    Pdf , 295.57 KB Линк
  • Practical advice for avoidance of pain associated with insertion of intrauterine contraceptives.

    J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care, Bahamondes L1, Mansour D, Fiala C, Kaunitz AM, Gemzell-Danielsson K., 54-60, January 2014

  • Management of pain associated with the insertion of intrauterine contraceptives.

    Hum Reprod Update, Gemzell-Danielsson K, Mansour D, Fiala C, Kaunitz AM, Bahamondes L., 19(4):419-27., July 2013

  • Who Pays the Piper?

    Conscience, vol. xxxiii—no. 1 2012, Christian Fiala, MD, PhD, 2012

    Pdf , 184.05 KB Линк
  • Intrauterine contraception in nulliparous women: why ever not?

    Gynaecology Forum Vol 17, No 1, 2011, Gemzell-Danielsson K, Sääv I, Fiala C, 24, 2011

    Pdf , 83.44 KB
  • Use of the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system: an Austrian perspective

    Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol., Concin H, Bösch H, Hintermüller P, Hohlweg T, Mursch-Edlmayr G, Pinnisch B, Schmidl-Amann S, Schulz-Greinwald G, Unterlechner D, Wagner T, Mattle V, Wildt L, Fiala C, 1-9, November 2009

  • Securing reproductive rights

    Lancet, Fiala C, Weeks A, Safar P., 20. March 2004
